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    🌍Saudi Arabia

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    Yanbu, Saudi Arabia

    Yanbu has long been known as little more than an industrial centre with a busy port, but with some of the country's best diving spots and ever more luxury resorts in the area, it is quickly transforming into a coveted vacation destination. The desert beaches are beautiful, captivating, and solitary enough to make your visit a unique experience. There has never been a better time to visit, as the crowds have not yet caught on to this emerging city, and travellers can still have huge expanses of pristine beaches all to themselves.


    222,360 (2020)


    1 riyal (SAR) = 100 halalas

    Emergency Numbers:

    Police: 999
    Fire: 998
    Ambulance: 997

    Opening Hours:

    The working week is generally Sun–Thu with some businesses open Saturday mornings. Government Offices: 7:30am–2:30pm. Banks: 9:30am–4:30pm. Private businesses: 8am–12pm and 4p–8pm.


    Saudi Gazette

    The City

    The city of Yanbu is divided into two large areas, separated by a short and sparsely populated expanse of desert. To the south is the industrial city and the royal commission, home to many expats working in the petrochemical industry. In the northern part, which is largely untouched by the large industry just a short distance away, are the downtown area, the port, the airport and many beaches. A traveler's instincts might be to avoid the southern area, but that could be a big mistake, as it features some interesting urban developments, ample green spaces and plenty of high-end establishments for fine dining and classy shopping not to be missed. The north, however, showcases the old city's charm and the wonderful scuba diving that draws so many savvy visitors in search of adventure.

    Do & See

    Being a largely industrial city, one would perhaps be surprised by the abundance of serene parks and relaxing beach-side walkways. The people of Yanbu really take advantage of the outstanding city planning that has accompanied the city's rapid growth, well aware of just how special their beaches and green spaces are. Yanbu's beaches are the city's greatest draw, boasting some of the best dive spots in the country.


    Eating out is a favourite pastime in Saudi Arabia, and they certainly know how to indulge. Yanbu is home to a huge variety of cuisines, ranging from local specialties to Chinese and Indian dishes and even some Mexican options. Fresh local ingredients are often used to make tasty and very filling meals with wide varieties of flavours.


    Escape the oppressive heat of the industrial Yanbu by visiting one of the many modern and sleek cafes spread out throughout the city. They are a great way to relax and people watch while enjoying some hot coffee or tea. Many places roast their own beans and offer great desserts, as well.

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