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    Atlantic Beach, North Carolina

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    Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, United States

    Pampas grass lines the dunes that border the small town of Atlantic Beach, North Carolina. The tufts of their leaves, fluffy and swaying with the breezes sweeping from the Atlantic Ocean, seem to mimic the fluffy clouds that sweep overhead in the blue skies. Since the 1920s vacationers have penciled in Atlantic Beach for weekend getaways and summer trips. Perhaps this is because of the town’s pristine sands and seaside activities, or maybe it’s because nothing beats dinner and an ocean view sunset. Either way, the Beach is calling.




    US Dollar, $1 = 100 cents

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    Opening Hours:

    Most stores are open seven days a week 9am to 6pm, or later. Bars and clubs tend to around 2am.


    The Atlantic Beach News

    The City

    Atlantic Beach was always destined to be a vacation hotspot. It began in the 1870s when Appleton Oaksmith envisioned creating a seaside resort along east Bogue Banks. However, after acquiring the title to this property, Oaksmith would abandon the will to continue his project after a tragic accident took the lives of four of his daughters.

    John J. Royal of Morehead City and Winfield S. Chadwick of Beaufort assumed the reins of the project and began construction of Oaksmith’s resort in 1887 in what is now Club Colony. Commencing in the form of a bathing pavilion for guests wishing to bathe in the ocean, the resort bore instant success. Royal and Chadwick would split their holdings in 1898, and the former would proceed to build his own grand pavilion in what is today’s Sportsman’s Pier.

    Following Royal’s death in 1909, a hotel was eventually developed near present day Courie’s Villa. The beach development would be called many things, from Atlantic View Beach, to Ocean Beach, to Money Island Beach. Asbury Beach was the next development, coming in the 1920s and the days of segregation; Asbury was therefore a beach exclusively for blacks. 1926 would spell certain doom for Money Island Beach and the Chadwick/Asbury pavilions: two corporations were sanctioned to purchase and develop a new resort on Bogue Banks, as well as to construct a bridge across Bogue Sound in order to provide access to this new area. Thus “Atlantic Beach” was born.

    By 1928, Atlantic Beach was completed, providing a quick vacation that could be reached by car. And the rest, as they say, is history.

    Do & See

    Attractions in Atlantic Beach span high-octane sports events to historical sites. Natural exploration is an especially popular activity among locals and visitors. Indoor activities are also not to be underestimated as they provide a lot of fun to the whole family. Take your pick from a variety of fun activities and create one unforgettable experience!


    A comfortable variety of cuisines may be found in the Atlantic City area. Although a particular emphasis on seafood is to be expected along the coast, you can also taste the distinctive flavors of international cuisine. Find the diverse and sophisticated blend of well-selected starters, main dishes and fresh desserts usually accompanied by a pleasant ambiance.


    Atlantic Beach and its surrounding towns are rife with cafes and coffee houses. There are also wine, candy, and chocolate shops. Bakeries complete the picture, as the aroma of home-made pastries merges with the scent of coffee. Enjoy the sea breeze with a cup of coffee and check out the large selection of flavors which are bound to satisfy anyone's sweet tooth.

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