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    Blaine, Washington

    🌍United States

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    Blaine, Washington, United States

    Blaine, Washington is perfectly placed for the ultimate escape. Positioned 35 miles south of Vancouver, British Columbia and 110 miles north of bustling Seattle, Blaine certainly carves out its own stake in bliss. In addition to a reputation for being an incredibly clean, safe town, Blaine glistens in natural beauty. Over a dozen parks are fit for bird watching, biking, and trailblazing, while a handful of manicured golf courses also add to an itinerary of outdoor recreation.




    $1 U.S. = 100 cents

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    Opening Hours:

    General opening hours for stores are 10am until 9pm.


    The Northern Light

    The City

    Blaine was first settled in the mid-nineteenth century by pioneers who established the town as a seaport for logging and fishing industries. The world's largest salmon cannery, which as been converted to a waterfront destination, is located here.

    Many saw mills were operated in Blaine, and much of the lumber manufactured in the area was transported to San Francisco to rebuild after the 1906 fire. Today Blaine's two largest marina are still home to hundreds of sailboats and yachts. Local fisherman still fish the waters for fresh crab, salmon, and oysters. Being a coastal location, nature lovers have always appreciated Blaine.

    Do & See

    Blaine has plenty of recreational activities for the whole family. Visitors can enjoy scenic hiking trails, watching birds of the region, bicycling, visiting the public pier and fish, or kayaking in the ocean. If nature isn't your thing, Blaine offers year round world class golfing.


    Blaine has many different types of cuisine. Being close to the ocean and with ample fishing vessels, seafood is a must, though tastes for varying palate can be found. From Thai, steakhouses, diners, American, and fast food, Blaine has something for everyone.


    Need a little pick up after all the sightseeing in Blaine? Blaine has you covered! Coffee, espressos, smoothies and much more are offered at Blaine's cafés, as well as fantastic food.

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