Sri Lanka Cultural Tour & Beach
fr €2029 pps
Prices based on 2 sharing & include flights, taxes, transfer, representative & hotel
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is a tear-drop shaped island in the Indian Ocean that contains all the hallmarks of a tropical paradise. The western coast is lined with beautiful coastline and lavish resorts, but that is only the beginning of what Sri Lanka has on offer to the curious traveller. Amazingly for such a small country, it is also home to eight world heritage sites, including the ruins of the Lankan Civilization in Anuradhapura and the ancient city of Polonnaruwa.
Hanging like a teardrop below India, Sri Lanka is a country of World Heritage sites, sugar-white beaches and bucolic beauty.
While Sri Lanka’s future revolves around upmarket hotels and lovely beaches, it’s the country’s past that interests so many travellers who come to its shores. On this small island there are eight World Heritage sites to explore, but the legacy of the country is so much more than ancient monuments.
The really fascinating aspects of Sri Lanka are the traditions and customs that have been handed down. It’s a place to learn and be enthralled by what you’re learning.
Sri Lanka’s history and culture reflects its proximity to India. You’ll find a strong appreciation for tea and an emphasis on the customs of the past. The majority of the country is Buddhist, with large minorities of Hindus, Muslims and Christians.
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